
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder (AKA Politics Suck)

A blog dedicated to holding our politicians accountable to We The People.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Those who cross the border without documentation and permission are......


They do NOT belong here and should have every available resource of law enforcement after them.

This is why I support the ORIGINAL legislation that was place before the house and senate and is now getting watered down. Its time to put an end to the lunacy on our borders, tighten them up, lock them down and take care of AMERICAN business.

I welcome immigrants...LEGAL IMMIGRANTS..not those who flaunt the law by breaking it the VERY SECOND they enter MY COUNTRY. AS such, I have drafted a letter for my representatives which has been sent, feel free to copy it if you want and send it your own representative:

Dear (Insert representatives name here)

I am horrified and appalled that the current immigration legislation reform is being gutted in favor of less strict measures.

It is my opinion, and those of my co-workers, friends, family and fellow americans that the legislation should be pushed through post-haste in an un-adulterated fashion in its original form.

For too long we have allowed the people of Mexico to come across our borders and become criminals upon doing so, it is time to put a STOP to it.

Senator Tancredo has issued tough messages to the rest of our representatives, and his opinions are those that are refelcted by the majority of americans. Please take time to consider the ramifications in allowing your vote to reflect a watered down version of the original legislation.

The american people want immigration reform, and they want it now.

Salutations with respect,

(Insert your name here)



Anonymous Anonymous said...


30 March, 2006 08:00  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

Tara...first of all let me commend you on a reasoned response with a properly though out logical argument to what I have said. You have to be the FIRST person who disagrees with me but does not call me names, for that I say thank you. But please tone down a bit...accusing me of not knowing what I am talking about is an insult.

As I have no time to address what you bring up, give me until tomorrow.

03 April, 2006 15:18  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

Ok Tara, I now have time to respond to you.

First off, overstaying a visa is a civil offense, this is true, however; coming in undocumented is a criminal offense which is the equivalent of a misdemeanor under federal law. So you are half right, I could take the low road right now and spit back at you about how you should know what you are talking about, but I wont do that. ;)

On your second point:
"If you wish for morality to govern, abide by Elie Wiesel words, "No human being is illegal." Maybe Jews who fled through the Alps were criminals. Did your ancestors have welcoming visas to enter this country?"

You are right .. no human being is illegal, and I never said as much, what I did say, quite correctly, is that people who come across the border undocumented are criminals..there is a very distinct difference and has nothing to do with semantics. As for my ancestors having welcoming visas to enter? A ridiculous notion to hold me accountable for what my forefathers did. The fact is that TODAY, here and NOW, the United States is a soverign nation with borders that under international law, have to be respected. Are you suggesting that everyone should be able to cross any border anywhere in the world at anytime? Makes no sense.

And lastly:
"Even if you don't care about these humans, think about the American jobs in the hotel fishing agricultural industries that will lost without the underlying work of the immigrants. American jobs require workers to do jobs that Americans won't. "

I just have one question for you..who was doing those jobs BEFORE there was a mass migration of undocumented workers across the border?

04 April, 2006 07:21  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

Me thinks someone picked up their ball and went home.

Lawyers are like that

06 April, 2006 15:00  

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