
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder (AKA Politics Suck)

A blog dedicated to holding our politicians accountable to We The People.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another Left Wing blog exposed for the lies

I was perusing the moonbats

Always an adventure in lies and misleading.

So I checked out this guy, "Thinking Meat", more affectionately known to his readers as MEATHEAD .. a reference to the socialist liberal in the 1970's TV series All In The Family

He is one of those guys who likes to make believe that he is an educated liberal, when in fact he is a lying sack of dog doo who believes his own lies so much that he will argue when he is proven wrong.

He really has NO SUBSTANCE on his blog, not an orginal thought is to be found ANYWHERE in his musings, instead what you will find is a HATE FILLED imaginary smack down of conservative blogs.

His latest attempt to hide the truth comes in this form

"Poor gullible Amy Proctor has been taken in by yet another wingnut attack on Barack Obama:"

"So, no “flagophobia” there. And as far as “egomania” is concerned, take a gander at the tail of McCain’s campaign plane:"

Anyway, look at the article he wrote

He posts this pic of Obamas plane:

And then this pic of McCains plane:

And then makes the claim that McCain has no flag on his plane.


Excuse me?

So there it is, one lie handily defeated, but its Meathead that has been defeated, not Amy Proctor. Nuff said?

And while we are at it, lets take a closer look at Obamas plane, shall we?

Notice how Obamas plane is a 757 while McCains is a 737 .. wonder whose carbon footprint is larger?

Huh...it continues to amaze me just how stinking hypocritical the left is.

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Blogger Unknown said...

All right, this proves it: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder.

26 August, 2008 16:15  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...



26 August, 2008 16:22  
Blogger Always On Watch said...

Forget logic and consistency from the Left. Neither will happen. It must have something to do with synapses in the brain.

27 August, 2008 14:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And then makes the claim that McCain has no flag on his plane."

You're lying. I made no such claim. I pointed out the tail of McCain's plane (Amy had been whining about the Obama campaign removing the flag from the tail of their plane), and asked her where the flag was on McCain's plane.

But at no point did I "[make] the claim that McCain has no flag on his plane".

Care to try any other moronically transparent lies, little worm?

05 September, 2008 16:08  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

Go ahead and try and rewrite and justify what you said meathead, you have no basis in fact and protestwarrior handed your ass to you on a plate.

I ever meet that guy I will take him to lunch and a beer

05 September, 2008 16:37  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

BTW meathead, this is your one warning to refrain from using personal attacks and name calling as a tactic on my blog. My rules clearly state its not tolerated.

05 September, 2008 16:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Go ahead and try and rewrite and justify what you said meathead..."

Ah. Another lie. I have, of course, rewritten nothing.

Can you show me exactly where I claimed that "McCain has no flag on his plane"?

"BTW meathead, this is your one warning to refrain from using personal attacks and name calling as a tactic on my blog. My rules clearly state its not tolerated."

Your rules are utterly meaningless, given that you pay no attention to them whatsoever -- as demonstrated by your own use of personal attacks and name calling as a tactic on your blog. Shall we talk about your hypocrisy at length?

05 September, 2008 16:49  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

"Shall we talk about your hypocrisy at length?"

When I have a blog posting about my hypocrisy, then you can comment on it, meantime, please stay on topic

05 September, 2008 17:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I make whatever comments I like. You don't get to dictate subject matter to me.

Can you show me exactly where I claimed that "McCain has no flag on his plane"?

05 September, 2008 18:00  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

MY blog

MY rules

You have your blog, if you don't like my rules, stop trolling and don't read it

PW already spelled it out for you, I have nothing to add that he/she hasn't already said.

06 September, 2008 11:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"PW already spelled it out for you..."

PW failed to provide a single shred of evidence that I had made the claim that "McCain has no flag on his plane". You've done nothing more than join him in failure. Congratulations.

06 September, 2008 12:20  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

Seriously meathead, a drunken monkey can see it

Now pick up your ball and go home

08 September, 2008 09:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you show me exactly where I claimed that "McCain has no flag on his plane"?

The answer, clearly, is "No". Mental cannot provide any evidence that I made such a claim. Given that its claim is exposed as sheer fantasy, its arguments can be disregarded.

01 October, 2008 15:15  
Blogger LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder said...

Like I said...PW spelled it out for you, a drunken monkey can see it, but you are obviously not.

C'est la vie

Pick up your ball and go home

01 October, 2008 17:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's called "proof by assertion", and it's an exceptionally transparent form of logical fallacy. Mental claims over and over again that I've made a claim that I quite clearly did not make. It pretends that its mere assertion, devoid of the slightest shred of evidence, must be true -- simply because it says so.

Can it show me exactly where I claimed that "McCain has no flag on his plane"?

No, it can't. It's lying. That's what its kind has always done.

01 October, 2008 18:42  

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