Lets see what others are saying
Ok...trying to get back on track here...happy valentines day everyone...has love found you? I hope so!!!!!
The Universe and Other things says..its about d**n time! Ugh :P
Where you at Marine??
The Independent Conservative has a report on the transcripts from the trial of the Border Patrol Agents.....Shocking stuff and a must read!
From the Absurd Report...our Political quote of the day:
“A few climate scientists are beginning to question whether some dire [global warming] predictions push the science too far. ‘Some of us are wondering if we have created a monster,’ says Kevin Vranes, a climate scientist at the University of Colorado. Vranes, who is not considered a global warming skeptic by his peers, came to this conclusion after attending an American Geophysical Union meeting last month. Vranes says he detected ‘tension’ among scientists, notably because projections of the future climate carry uncertainties — a point that hasn’t been fully communicated to the public” — science reporter Eric Berger, writing in the Houston Chronicle.
From Old War Dogs via Blackfive...Who needs a slapdown? Caution: Strong language
From BigDogs weblog...Global warming hearing cancelled due to ice storm.....ROFL
Side note here on a personal level...I am once again engaged to be married....my fiancee thought it would be cool to watch An Inconvienient Truth starring Al Blubberhead Gore.....Ahem....We can always pray for her .. right? hehe
From And Rightly So! We hear about ole tip the bottle Ted Kennedy working in more government interference in the free market. Hey Ted....do you know how you can stop liver disease? Try putting down your bottle you libtard.
From the Bookworm room, you can never grovel enough before Muslims .. heh
From Mikes America...more proof that Bush's tax cuts are working
Hey...just for grins and giggles, lets peek into a moonbat who is so self assured..shall we? Yep...nothing with substance...he admits it
From Stop the ACLU we have this little tidbit
From the Conservative Intelligence Report, we find that a Representative has thrown in the towel....LOSER!!!!!
Valentines wishes from The American Dinosaur!
From Screw Politically Correct BS...Mooselimb rep Ellison has thrown down on Tancredo...tsk tsk tsk freshman
From Sweetness and Light, heart warming stories of love from the Mooselimbs...awwww
American and Proud is going to the gathering of Eagles...I wish him luck and Godspeed...just remember dude...cameras are ALWAYS watching
And bringing up the rear in true form and fashion, my favorite read, Freedom Folks, Jake reports that Bank Of America (an oxymoron) is feeling the heat!
Ah well..have fun everyone
Labels: Lets see what others are saying
Ugh?? What do you mean Ugh??
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